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V. V. Kolesov
Name Vadim V. Kolesov
Title Ph.D., Associated Professor
Born 04/29/1947
Affiliations Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences, Department of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, South Federal University
Address 8 A Milchakova street, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Fed. 344090
Phone (7863) 297-51-15 (214)
Fax No
Web-page (URL)
Scientific research Hydrodynamic instabilities and the transition to complicated modes and chaos in fluids.
Number of publications
63 Download the full list of publications (In Russian)    Download
Selected publications
  • V. Kolesov, L. Shapakidze, "On oscillatory modes in viscous incompressible liquid flows between two counter-rotating permeable cylinders," Trends in App. Math. to Mech. Chapman & Hall / CRC V. 106, 221-227 (2000).
  • V. V. Kolesov, V. I. Yudovich, "Calculation of oscilatory regimes in Couette flow in the neighborhood of the point of intersection of bifurcations initiating Taylor vortices and azimuthal waves," Russian Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics. V. 33, No. 4, 532-542 (1998).
  • V. Kolesov, "Oscillatory rotationally symmetric loss of stability of nonisothermal Couette flow," USSR Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics. No. 1, 63-67 (1984).
  • V. Kolesov, "On stability conditions for the nonisothermic Couette flow," USSR Acad. of Sciences, Appl. Math. and Mech. V. 44, No. 3, 311-315 (1981).
  • V. Kolesov, "Calculation of self-oscillations resulting from the loss of stability of a nonisothermal Couette flow," USSR Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics. No. 3, 344-350 (1981).
  • In 2002 has become the winner of the premium of the name of the academician G. I. Petrov of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics National Committee of Russian Academy of Sciences for issued reaching in the theory of hydrodynamic stability and turbulence.
  • In 1978 was awarded with Rostov State University's Diploma for the best scientific work in the University.
Additional Information
  • Consultation of research institutes and industry firms in computer analysis. Elaboration of corresponding software. Creation of software for business, education and scientific research.
  • Has published a textbook on programming: "Introduction to Turbo-Pascal". Rostov State University. Rostov-on-Don. 1993. 256 p. (In Russian)
 V. V. Kolesov

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