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Yuri M. Shtemler (Israel)
Name Yuri M. Shtemler
Title Ph.D.
Born 01/17/1947
Affiliations Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Faculty of Engineering Science
Address POB 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel
Phone (h) (972) 8-6495531
Fax (w) (972) 8-6472813
Web-page (URL)
Scientific research Hydrodynamic instability and transition in multiphase flows, combustion, porous media, MHD instability.
Number of publications 52
Selected publications
  • Shtemler Y., Shreiber I.R., Herskowitz M., "Micro-level instability of bubble flows in packings," Chemical Engineering Science (2002, accepted for publication).
  • Shtemler Y., Levitsky M., Shreiber I.R., Levitsky S. and Berkovich Y., "Two-stage atomization model for liquid jet disintegration in gas atomizers," Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 5(4), 821-842 (2000).
  • Shtemler Y., Sivashinsky G., "On flame propagation through a horizontal channel," Comb. Science and Technol. 119, 35-50 (1996).
 Yuri M. Shtemler

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