N. V. Nikitin
Nikolai V. Nikitin
Doctor of science
Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State University
1 Michurinsky prospect, Moscow, Russian Fed. 119192
(7095) 566-2233
(7095) 939-5136
Web-page (URL)
Scientific research
Computational fluid dynamics, turbulent flows.
Number of publications
Selected publications
N. Nikitin, V. Polezhaev,
"Direct simulations and stability
analysis of the gravity driven convection
in a Czochralski model,"
Journal of Crystal Growth
V. 230, 30-39 (2001).
N. V. Nikitin,
"Numerical analysis of laminar-turbulent
transition in a circular pipe with periodic inflow
Russian Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics
V. 36, No. 2, 204-216 (2001).
N. V. Nikitin, F. Nicoud, B. Wasistho,
K. D. Squires, P. R. Spalart,
"An approach to wall modeling in large-eddy
Physics of Fluids
V. 12, No. 7, 1629-1632 (2000).
N. V. Nikitin,
"On the mechanism of turbulence
suppression by spanwise surface oscillations,"
Russian Acad. of Sciences, Fluid Dynamics
V. 35, No. 2, 185-190 (2000).
N. V. Nikitin, S. I. Chernyshenko,
"On the nature of
the organized structures in turbulent near-wall flows,"
Russian Acad. of Sciences. Fluid Dynamics
V. 32, No. 1, 18-23 (1997).
In 1998 has become the winner of the premium
of the name of the academician
G. I. Petrov and memorial medal of
Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics National Committee
of Russian Academy of Sciences
for issued reaching in the theory
of hydrodynamic stability and turbulence.
In 1997 and 1994 has received the first prizes and grants
of the Editorial board of the
Russian Academy of Sciences Fluid Dynamics Journal
and Plenum Publishing Corporation
for the best publication of a year.
In 1996 is awarded with the premium
of the name of the academician
P. L. Kapitsa and memorial medal
by Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for
the development of efficient computational
methods for turbulent flows simulations.
In 1984 has received the first prize
on the young scientists competition
in Institute of Mechanics,
Moscow State University.
Additional Information
Member of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics National Committee
of Russian Academy of Sciences since 2001.