Hit 2003
Hit 2003 (Hydrodynamic Instability and Turbulence)
is a specialty site designed to serve
as a one-stop information resource for anyone
working in the areas of hydrodynamic instability
and turbulence.
We shall publish an information about news and events
in the scientific world, scientific and popular articles
of the well-known scientists, links to other web resources,
individual information about the specialists
working in the areas of hydrodynamic instability and turbulence,
and directly related topics.
This site is provided on "as is" basis,
and Hit 2003 does not warrant that the information,
its display, is complete free from error.
We also make no warranties of any kind as to the accuracy
of the information, presented by users for the
Who's Who
and the
Materials extracted from this site can only be used
with proper attribution to Hit 2003.
Full or partial reproduction of materials from page
is possible only with written permission of its authors.
S. Ya. Gertsenshtein
Technical editors:
N. B. Romashova, I. V. Nekrasov
V. V. Kolesov
Contact us